Of Mountains And Marriage

"She's trying on her dress, " Mum would say. "Getting ready for her wedding."

My Mum had a story about the mountains. They were going to get married and one was always trying on her wedding dress.  To this day, we still talk about the Mountain trying on her gown and her veil of clouds.

She's still waiting. And some of you may be thinking that you have about as much chance of getting married as the Mountain has.

I think to many of us, our waiting journey can feel as long as it has been for the Mountain in Mums story.  It isn't, that Mountain was around long before we were.

I think sometimes we get so wrapped up in thinking about when we have a husband that we forget to enjoy the time we are in now. I got a keychain a few years ago that said simply, "Joy in the Journey" and that phrase has always stuck with me.

Joy in the Journey.

Are we getting so focused on the destination that we are losing the joy of the journey itself? That is a major part of our lives to be ignoring. Now is a time to be growing and learning, not simply staying in one place daydreaming of our life to come.

The danger of being so focused on the future is that it makes you discontent with the place God has you now.

Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. ~ Philippians 4:11

If we don't learn to practice contentment now, how will we practice it when we are married? Marriage is not the end-all. It won't magically make us perfect. If we don't already know how to be content now, we are not going to magically be content in marriage.

This is a training ground, Ladies. There is always something to be learned right now in this season. However, if your head is constantly in the future you may miss those lessons.

Plan for the future. Allow yourself to dream about the future. Just don't stay there. Come back to the present and get to work.

As the snow and the clouds changed, so would the Mountain's dress. Mum said she couldn't make up her mind and was always trying on new dresses. I think maybe she is filling her waiting time with frivolous things.

What are you filling your time with? Are daydreaming or preparing? Are you finding joy in your journey or are you resenting the wait?

I'd like to challenge us all (myself included) to take this week and practice finding the joy in waiting. Let's practice being content where God has us. If you find yourself wishing you had a husband right now, stop and count at least three things you're grateful for right now. We are fast approaching the season of thankfulness, this is good practice.

That Mountain is still waiting. What does she represent to you? What is your mountain?

You might also like: It's OK To Be Single and Actively Waiting For Your Future Husband


  1. Excellent advice. I prayed over my future spouse before getting married, those prayers matter! Keep praying for them.

    1. Thank you! Those prayers absolutely matter. 😊 Thanks for sharing!


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