Give Grace

Ladies, when was the last time you allowed yourself grace?

No, think about it. When was the last time you allowed yourself grace?

It's been a long week full of work, medical worries, late nights, early mornings, and various other things. And as I looked around my kitchen the other night I just felt so discouraged. No matter how hard I tried it just seemed like I was always two steps behind on everything. Dinner leftovers waited to be put away, dishes called impatiently by the sink, and general untidiness on the counter added to the chaos.

Have you ever had one of those moments where you mentally weight how tired you are against how much you have to do before you go to bed? I had one then.

Then I remembered something I had heard from one of you Lovely Ladies. I had asked @robin_renae only a few days before if she had anything to share with our community.

She said, "Give grace, grace, and more grace."

At the time I had only read its face value, but standing there looking at my kitchen the full meaning hit me. We shouldn't just see grace as a thing to extend to our kids, family, friends, neighbors, and that rude person that cut in line at the store. We need it too.

As much as we try, we aren't Super Women. We are human too and we have human needs. Like sleep (what's up with that?)

And to you Ladies who are dealing with illness or pregnancy, hang in there. I have dealt with major illness and recovery too. To put it frankly, it stinks. I get it. Suddenly you aren't able to do the things you used to be able to. It can make you feel pretty useless. You aren't. You're resting now so you can better serve your family later. Not easy to remember (or believe) but true. Give grace to yourself.

"Give grace, grace, and more grace."

Give grace to your family and friends. Give grace to the world around you. Give grace to yourself because you need it too.

It is OK to leave the dishes for a night. It is OK to fold the laundry tomorrow. It is OK to buy dinner every now and then (as one of the ladies on our community recently pointed out). And it's OK to make mistakes too.

Rest. Learn from your mistakes. Move on.

"Give grace, grace, and more grace."
