The Hopeful Homemaking Story

I felt like I was alone in my homemaking interests. I knew there were some people out there that believe like me, who believed in being a stay at home daughter and believed in homemaking but I hadn't met any of them personally.

I had a conversation like this with a friend and fellow homemaker a few months ago. We had both felt at times that we were the only ones left still at home and practicing homemaking. My Mum had remarked afterward that we sounded like Elijah when he thought he was the only one left serving God.

In early 2018 I started looking around the internet for homemakers and stay at home daughters. I came back empty handed and discouraged. Those I found were few and far between and, in my mind, unapproachable.

"If only there was a homemaking club for girls my age, "I thought. I scoured the internet, there was none. I felt even more discouraged. Then the thought came to me, " Why couldn't I do that?"

I was excited. I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down a list of all the things a young homemakers club should have. It was a good start.

However, my excitement dwindled as doubt crept in and I started to question my ability.

"Are you really capable of this?" Doubt whispered.
"What do you know about homemaking? You make too many mistakes to be able to teach anybody anything. How many people are actually homemaking anymore, anyway? What happens when you run out of things to write about? After all, how much can you say about homemaking?"

Over and over these thoughts rolled in my mind, adding fresh doubt with each turn. It is hard for me to put my name to anything that I'm not sure will work or that I'm not positive I can stay committed to. So with that, I sadly agreed with Doubt and put my list away.

Summer came and went away again. All the time the idea for a young homemakers community lingered in the back of my mind. I wished somebody would take this idea and put it into practice. Somebody who would do it better. Somebody more capable.

As the doubt persisted, so did the desire for a homemaking community and the feeling that I should start it.

Finally, in October I gave in.

"Alright, Lord. If this is what you want, I'll do it. It's in Your hands whether it's a success or not."

So I started The Hopeful Homemakers Club on Instagram. I made two posts, invited two friends, and then left it alone. I made a few attempts to find other homemakers but came back empty-handed.

On April 1st (Ha!) I woke up and God placed on my heart the next step. I had to message a lady I follow called Miss Katie over at @heritage.ways on Instagram. It was out of my comfort zone but I did it anyway.

Miss Katie responded promptly saying she would love to help and that she planned to start a podcast on this very subject in just a matter of weeks! She was going to do a shoutout on both her pages for The Hopeful Homemakers Club!

I was excited again. This was big.

"What if it's too big? What if you can't keep up with the demand?" Doubt said, resurfacing. "You know you're coming up on a busy season, maybe you should have waited."

I was nervous the task was too big for me but I put it back in Gods hands again. It was up to Him if this thing sank or swam, not me. It was for His glory, not mine.

As soon as Miss Katie gave me a shoutout, I had followers. More followers than I had ever expected. It was amazing!

I started to post pretty regularly and I was feeling good about how it was going. I wanted to do more, some of the things I had to say wouldn't fit in the word confines of an Instagram post. How should I go about it, though?

IG TV? Youtube? Blogger?

I researched them all. I felt Blogger was the best choice so I created this blog. And then let it sit.

Hello, Doubt, my old friend.

You would think by now that I would have learned to ignore the voice of doubt.

"You are never going to be able to keep up with a blog. You'll never find enough material to write about and even when you do, what are you going to say that a million other people haven't already said before?"

All good points, but irrelevant. Because when God wants to move, He doesn't ask for Doubt's opinion. He just moves and supplies what is needed.

So I picked a topic and sat down to write. And guess what happened. As I wrote, idea after idea for other blog post came to me. I had to start writing them down so I wouldn't forget.

There may come a day when I run out of things to say and retire this blog. That also may never happen. It just depends on God and where He wants to take us.

I am so excited to see where God leads the HHC community, He has already taken it so far. Every last one of you is an answer to prayer. Before, I never knew there was so many ladies homemaking.

Where my vision stopped for this community, God's vision kept going. I had intended this to be a place for just unmarried ladies. However, God saw that in order to teach the new homemakers you need the experienced homemakers as well.

Thank you for reading and following along, Ladies.


  1. Great job! I look forward to your posts and I'm glad you didn't let doubt have it's way!


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